How to Afford Your Eco-Friendly Home Improvements


With the effects of climate change becoming more obvious by the day, we all want to do our best to minimise the impact that we have on the environment, but upgrades can be expensive, and often other considerations have to take priority when budgets are limited. Help is available however if you want to make some changes as soon as possible.

Find Out If You Are Eligible for Government Grants

It’s in everyone’s best interest to cut emissions of CO2, so various government funded programs exist to help with the cost of things like new energy efficient boilers, and loft and cavity wall insulation. Energy suppliers also have an obligation to help people on low incomes afford efficient appliances, so they have cash help available too.

Grants aren’t as generous as they used to be, but they still yield valuable savings towards your eco-friendly upgrades. People in receipt of certain benefits may also qualify for fully funded equipment. It only takes a few minutes to find out what help you can receive, so don’t forget to check.

According to The Energy Saving Trust a new energy efficient boiler can cut up to £350 a year from your heating and hot water bill, and cavity wall insulation can reduce energy bills by as much as £275 a year.

Take Out a Good Value Loan

If you don’t qualify for grant assistance, or if the upgrades that you want to install aren’t covered by grants, then look around for an affordable loan. You can find suitable loans even if your credit history is a little shaky. There are providers that specialises in unsecured loans for those with credit history problems. Likewise, there are providers who will approve you for bad credit mortgages, despite your credit history.

A loan will help you to spread the cost of bigger ticket, eco-friendly upgrades like solar panels, solar hot water heaters and thermal heat pumps. And if you were considering going off-grid with one of the fantastic Tesla Powerwall systems but don’t have the cash that you need, then a loan will enable you to move forward with your project.

Don’t Forget Inexpensive Upgrades

While eco-friendly home improvements often focus on big ticket items, it’s important to remember that lots of small changes can result in a greener home.

Instead of using clean water that has been treated and pumped to your home through the mains to water your garden, install a rain barrel to catch water from your roof. You’ll save money on your water bill, and rainwater is much better for your plants than tap water.

Use thermal blinds and curtains in the winter to stop so much heat escaping through your windows. If you’ve got high ceilings, install a low-energy ceiling fan to send the warm air back down to your level, and keep your rooms at a more comfortable temperature without turning up the thermostat.

Take a look at your small appliances and see if they are energy hogs. There’s no need to use vacuum cleaners that suck up 3000 watts of power when new technology can produce carpet lifting suction with only 820 watts.

There are lots of ways to save energy and make your home and lifestyle more environmentally friendly, some are high cost, some are low cost, but every single change that you make is a change for the better.