What Should You Do if Your Child Has Varicose Veins?

Child Has Varicose Veins?

Most individuals think that varicose veins are a problem that occurs with aging, as well as pregnancy, when there is too much pressure added to the veins in the legs. But the truth is that children can also develop varicose veins.

Understanding what causes this type of vein disorder and what you can do to treat it will help you take the right steps if your child is ever diagnosed with varicose veins, so continue reading to learn more.

The Causes of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins in children are the same as those in adults, so the causes are also the same. Basically, weakened veins in the legs are usually to blame. The veins stop working properly and the blood that should be flowing more easily back up to the heart ends up collecting in the legs. Pressure builds and the veins become large, twisted, and weaker.

Although aging will increase your risk of developing varicose veins, they are also often caused simply by genetics. Therefore, if you have parents that have varicose veins, your risk of having them also increases, and it also increases the risk of a child developing them.

Other risk factors for varicose veins include standing or sitting for extended periods, during which pressure increases in the legs. Being obese or overweight can also increase the pressure in the legs, leading to the development of these unsightly veins.

What To Do If Your Child Is Diagnosed with Varicose Veins

If your child has varicose veins, your doctor will easily be able to diagnose the condition and offer a few treatment options. And, if caught early, home treatment may be all that your child needs in order to ease the occurrence of symptoms and prevent the varicose veins from worsening.

Your child could, for example, wear compression stockings, elevate the legs regularly, take breaks and move around if required to sit or stand for long periods of time, and increase his or her exercise level.

If your child is obese or overweight, he or she should become more physically active. Losing weight can help reduce the pressure on the veins in the legs, and this could help reduce the varicose veins as well.

Other Treatment Options Available

In addition to home therapy, you can also visit a vascular doctor with your child to gain access to advanced, modern, non-invasive treatments that can help get rid of varicose veins.

A few of the most popular options include laser therapy, which will close off the vein, phlebectomy to remove the veins, radiofrequency treatment to close the vein, and sclerotherapy, which also works to close off the vein.

Your doctor will determine which treatment is best for your child and will provide the best and longest lasting results.

Even if your child is diagnosed with varicose veins, you should not panic. There are steps that your child can take every day to reduce the veins and prevent new ones from forming, and there are many effective treatments available from doctors as well.