The KeysTo An Organized Life


At some point you’ll have made a commitment to yourself – to live a more organized life. Perhaps you managed to make a start, even devised a plan, or more likely, the words had barely fallen from your lips when something happened and life just got in the way. You were no doubt frustrated, but maybe you’re willing to give it another try.

You probably realise the benefits of being organised, you’re not searching for things, because everything is exactly where it should be; you’re not in the wrong place at the wrong time because you have a diary; and you never “forget” something, because you’ve planned in advance. Sounds idyllic, but also a little unrealistic. However there are ways in which you can help yourself, and whilst they may take a little effort to implement from scratch, once done, your life will be easier, and that is amongst everyone’s life goals! So if you’re ready to make the change, and moreover stick to it, get ready to read the keys to an organized life – from clothing labels for all your 2019 needs to diaries and from clutter to cleaning, there’s a fair bit to do, so let’s get going!

A Start

You should start small, both in terms of effort and effect. One such task is making the bed. Made beds look neat, and give you a feeling of “job-done”. Duvets take less time than sheets, throws and cushions, so keep things simple. Completing a job will boost your happier mind-set.


You can fully commit and make keep, donate and throw-out piles, or you can save this for another day. Make sure things aren’t just thrown in though, hang everything up or store it away. Hiding mess in a cupboard means finding it when you open it and is simply moving the problem around!


When it comes to clothes, some tips are easy. If you’re fed up with picking through laundry, holding up uniforms and school kit to see whether it belongs to your child, and then repeating all of this after you’ve washed it again, then there’s hope. There are clothing labels for all your 2019 needs. Applying a simple stamp, label or tag can make things instantly recognisable and can also install a little pride of ownership in your children (an unexpected bonus). Clothing labels will save you time, and whilst they have to be initially applied, once done, you’re good to go.

Post, Keys, Things

You’ve lost your keys.Having put them down, they’ve moved. Or the post has come and you’ve forgotten where you’ve placed it. Simple solution, pick a safe place and start the habit of leaving things there. It’ll take a little getting used to, but once imprinted in your mind, you’ll always know where these vital items are i.e. where you left them!

Lists And Dates

Most things will be remembered and then forgotten, the reason, they’re not noted down. Even the simplest of notebook will help you remember those nuggets of wisdom, and save you from embarrassment later on. Carry a notebook and pen, then transfer these scribblings to a central calendar that’s visible to you daily. Have a month in view, and you’ll then see what’s happening in advance, rather than what you’ve unfortunately missed! Again, you’ll need to get used to keeping notes, but once you form the habit, all will be well.


It’s difficult to not spoil the enjoyment of food through over-planning meals in advance. You can of course ensure that you have the right ingredients in at the right time, and cut down on food wastage, but to plan that you’ll feel like lasagne a week on Wednesday may be taking it one step too far!


Having solved the issue of identifying the washing using clothing labels, there’s still the problem of doing it – together with the kitchen washing up! Leaving unclean things lying around will make you feel under pressure act, and you can’t always be doing chores. So think of clearing the dishes to the dishwasher until full, and the laundry to the basket until a nice drying day or as needed.


One key to organization is to prepare today, in advance for tomorrow. That can mean having your work clothes laid out the night before, your lunch packed and your children’s school uniform (labelled of course) ready to wear. But being organized doesn’t mean sacrificing your enjoyment of today in preparation for what tomorrow may bring. Rather it means reducing the time you spend doing and looking, and increasing the time you spend engaging and enjoying. These simple tips are only a start, but you have to get started somewhere!