Let’s see what financial protection means and why it is a very important issue for women even more than for men. Financially protecting oneself means protecting one’s assets, whether small or large, from the eventualities of life.
The classic example is automobile liability, which protects the assets of the insured person from damage they could cause to others while driving their vehicle.
Basically, with the payment of the insurance premium, the risk associated with the claims is shared with all the other insured persons. Then the insurance company has the funds to cover the damages, funds that the insured person might not have in his own availability.
The risks of life are many and some can then have an impact on the whole family and in particular on the most fragile members of the family unit, such as children and minors in general. Once you are risk free you can enjoy your life https://www.casinoadvice.io/.
Financial protection and women’s work
In our country, women in employment are half of all women of working age. This means that at least 50% of the women are financially fragile subjects in their family.
Let me explain: it means that in the event of unemployment, disability or premature death of the partner or family member who supports them financially, these women risk seeing their standard of living greatly reduced if they rely only on the public protections listed in the previous paragraph.
The need to activate tools for the protection of assets and the standard of living is therefore more important for women, starting from the data linked to employment. Secured financial life will give you a peaceful mind to enjoy online casino real money.
And I want to underline that the first financial protection for women should be to work, to have their own income. Unfortunately, this affects only half of the women in the country and with the pandemic the figure is getting worse, since as I write this, more than 90% of the jobs lost in the last year concern women.
Women and social security
Finally, women live longer. Good news? It depends. A longer life expectancy also implies a need for greater coverage in the period of life in which one no longer works: that of retirement. Those who read may be 20, 30, 40 or 50 years old, and are thinking that the question does not concern them yet, but it is not so for very young girls either. The first person who should take care of an elderly and probably long-lived woman is that very old woman herself when she is young.