Four Fun and Engaging Weekend Activities to Enjoy with the Kids


While most people look forward to the weekend as a chance to relax and get away from work, for parents, there really isn’t much in terms of “relaxing”. Having the kids home for the whole weekend and doing your best to keep them entertained and busy can feel like more work than your actual job. And then if the weather happens to be bad and they are stuck indoors, you’ve got an even bigger challenge to deal with.

So, to help the weekend go a little smoother, here are five fun and engaging activities to enjoy with the kids, regardless of the weather.

A Trip to the Local Library

We all know how good reading is for kids, and what better way to encourage it than by a trip to the local library. Kids can get their own library card, which makes them feel quite grown-up and responsible. They can have the freedom to browse through the books and find what appeals to them. Libraries always have an area for kids, filled with picture books for toddlers and young children, all the way up to young adult fiction and non-fiction books for the older kids.

Once you’ve let the kids pick out the books they want, you can head home for a little reading time. You may even want to set up a dedicated reading nook complete with a comfy reading chair, a shelf for their books, a reading lamp, and a healthy supply of bookmarks. Because bookmarks tend to rip and get lost fairly easily, consider stocking the nook with a container of paper clips, as they act as a wonderful bookmark.

As a side note, there are all kinds of uses for paper clips, including craft projects, so that can be another avenue to pursue as far as keeping the kids busy.

Make Your Own Playdough

What kid doesn’t love playing with playdough? It gives them a chance to be creative, use their motor skills, and have some fun. So, why not let them also make their own playdough. Using simple ingredients such as flour, oil, salt, food coloring, and cream of tartar can produce some great results. You’ll find plenty of playdough recipes online that you can follow.

Become Movie Makers

If you have a tablet, video camera, or smart device that the kids can use, then they can make their very own movie. They can start with a script, set up the scenes, get the family pet and friends to join in, and just have a good time with the entire process.

Put on a Puppet Show

If you don’t have a video camera kids can use, or they are a bit too young to be using one on their own, then they can do a popsicle stick puppet show instead. In this activity, kids will be able to make their own stick puppets by drawing pictures, cutting them out, and sticking them on popsicle sticks.

Keeping Everyone Happy and Entertained

These activities are sure to help you when it comes to keeping the kids healthy, entertained, and engaged on the weekends when boredom can otherwise set in.