You know how it is: all week, you dream about spending the perfect relaxing Sunday with your kids but when the weekend rolls around it’s chaos as usual and you spend the entire day picking up after your little ones as you distract them with a movie. Take charge of this weekend by making a plan to get out of the house – and sticking to it. Here are eight ideas for some Sunday fun that the whole family will enjoy.

Plan a picnic
This is definitely one for the warmer months, but a picnic is the perfect excuse for some family bonding. It requires a little forethought, but your food doesn’t need to be fancy for your family to have fun. Make sure to pack lots of fresh fruit – and a few treats, of course! You could also invite a couple of family friends along to really make a day of it.
Enjoy a pub lunch
The words “pub lunch” alone conjure up images of a wonderfully laid-back Sunday afternoon – and best of all, this option requires absolutely no preparation. Choose somewhere cozy and friendly with plenty of craft beer for you to sample, such as the Hole in the Wall pub in Chichester.
Visit a local museum
Visiting a local museum is a great way to keep your kids entertained and make sure they learn something new this weekend. Since many museums are free to visit, this could be a cost-effective way to spend your Sunday, too.
Fly kites
Flying a kite is a magical experience at any age and so it’s a great activity for all the family to enjoy. Make things even more fun with a selection of crazy and colorful kites.
Make a time capsule
If your kids are into arts and crafts, why not spend this Sunday making a time capsuletogether? Not only will it keep everybody entertained for hours, but it will be a lovely memento to dig up in a few years. You could include today’s newspapers, handwritten letters to their future selves, photographs and magazine clippings of their favorite cartoon characters or pop stars.
Plan a treasure hunt
Everybody loves a treasure hunt! All you need is a few pieces of card and some chocolate – of course. If you don’t fancy your home or garden being overturned in pursuit of treasure, you could always set it up at the local park instead for a little extra excitement.
Get baking
Not only is baking a lot of fun for everyone, but you get delicious treats at the end. Choose something simple like cookies or cupcakes and assign everybody a ‘clean up’ job before you begin to keep the kids mindful of the mess they’re making. To add a competitive element, you could always devise a ‘star baker’ prize.
Have a board game marathon
Crack out those dusty old board games from the back of the cupboard and have a family board game tournament. You could always get crafty and make a colorful scoreboard and crown for the ultimate victor, too.