Everyone knows how important it is to make sure that their family remains healthy. However, it’s inevitable that they’ll pick up illnesses and injuries on their way through life. So, who do you go to when they need medicine or to clean up wounds before getting stitches? Many of us will have the same answer: your family doctor.

Not every family will visit the same physician every time they need to see a medical professional, though. Some may not realize the benefits of having a family doctor – so here are five reasons why you and your children will benefit from seeing the same person at each appointment.
They know your personal and family history
Your doctor will get to know every part of your medical history when they treat you for a number of years. It means they have the chance to monitor your health over long periods, can keep an eye out for red flags with medications, and are able to make accurate diagnoses.
Seeing multiple generations of the same family will also help support your doctor when recording your history. If, for example, both you and a parent had the same disease at a young age, then your doctor may recommend genetic counseling and offer a screening plan for all those in your family who may be at risk of developing the same illness.
They can follow your life cycle
Your physician will treat toddlers, teens, young adults, middle-aged people, retirees, and even those in their 90s and older. They may see the same patients for decades – and this is typical for family doctors. They can treat any number of conditions at any point in your life, too.
They’ll find the right specialist for you
If you have a condition for which you need to see a specialist, your family doctor will help you to find one who will fit your needs and personality. So if a physician has a cardiology patient who prefers conservative treatments, for example, then they may look for a cardiologist who has a conservative-first approach as opposed to aggressive treatment. This can be part of the comprehensive health care you get from having a family physician, so you can receive the best care.
They treat you, not just the issue
Your family doctor will give you holistic care, meaning they will treat you in the context of all aspects of your life and not just the issue – such as how your family or your work might be affecting you. Good primary care will attend to your mind, body, and relationships.Remember that your family doctor will treat all your health concerns. These may be chronic or acute, emotional, or linked to your relationships.
Your family doctor will help you choose your best options They will know you well, so they will be the best doctor to help you with making personal health choices. They will go through what information you may have read, what advice you may have got from acquaintances, and opinions you may have received from other physicians.