What Supplies Does Your High Schooler Really Need This Year?

High SchoolerWhen it comes to academic supplies, every school is different, and every teacher is different. How can you know for sure which supplies your high schooler needs before the first day of school? This can be difficult if your child’s teachers have specific requests for supplies. Sometimes it’s difficult to know exactly what will be needed until after the first day. However, there are some basic supplies that you can count on your high schooler needing throughout the year.

Writing Utensils

Be sure to have plenty of No. 2 pencils, mechanical pencils, pens in various colors, and a few highlighters. No. 2 pencils are usually required for tests. Multiple colored pen options are useful if students need to edit other students’ work for class. Highlights are great for marking reading materials. Make sure to also have plenty of erasers, pencil sharpeners, and white out.


Binders, pencil pouches or boxes, and locker organizers will help your student to keep his or her locker and backpack cleaner. Dividers are also useful to help separate multiple class work in a single binder. Invest in daily planners as well to help your student stay on top of projects, tests, and other due dates.

Paper and Notebooks

It’s a good idea to have loose-leaf paper on hand as well as spiral-bound or composition notebooks. These usually come in either wide-ruled or college-ruled options. Check with your school to see if they have a preference.

Calculators and Rulers

The type of calculator your student needs depends on the level of math he or she will be studying. It’s a good idea to invest in a graphing calculator that they can use throughout high school and into college. Don’t forget to buy a good ruler with both metric and English measurements. You might need to contact the school about additional tools like protractors.

High-Quality Backpack

Many textbooks are now online, but your student will still have to bring home work and may have a textbook (or two or three). Invest in a high-quality backpack that offers plenty of support. Check with your school if you want to do a backpack with wheels – some schools prohibit these.

Computer Access, Computer Paper, and Ink

Your student will likely need to use a computer for various projects. If you have access to a computer and printer at home, be sure to stock up on computer paper and ink cartridges for the school year. If you don’t have a computer at home, check with your local library and other community resources.

Craft Supplies

Scissors and glue are useful for many class projects. Drawing paper is always great to have on hand. Keep your high schooler stocked with plenty of craft supplies.


Your school will likely have suggestions for the school supplies you need. While you’re waiting for that list to come out, this checklist here is a great way to get started on your shopping.

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