4 Tips For When Your Child Is Running a Fever

sick kids

Finding that your child is running a fever can be alarming for a parent.  Since you only want the best for your little ones, it can be emotional seeing them miserable and uncomfortable.  Fevers, in particular, can be particularly alarming since if they get too high they can lead to serious complications and in some cases, even fatality.

Therefore, it is completely normal for concerns to be raised in the event that your child has a temperature.  It can be especially worrying if your child is an infant.  Before you panic and run to the emergency room, however, take a look at the following tips for what you should do when you notice your child is running a temperature.

Determine Whether It’s a Low-Grade Fever or High-Grade Fever

The first thing that you should do is know what constitutes a high or common fever in a child.  If you talk with your doctor they will tell you that anything up to 103 degrees Fahrenheit are still within a range not to worry, but that you should continue to monitor their temperature throughout the day and night to see if it is coming down or elevating.

Temperatures above 104 degrees are considered to get into what is known as the high fever range and at this point, you should start to consider taking the next steps, particularly if your child is under the age of 3. 

Look For Symptoms

It’s important to look out for symptoms which could indicate a bigger issue.  You should look for signs of lethargy, vomiting, and overall confusion which are symptoms of a very high-grade fever.

If you see these symptoms you should take them seriously and contact your doctor.

Call Doctor If Necessary

If you have assessed the situation, your child is clearly experiencing a lot of discomforts, and you are genuinely worried, you should always err on the side of caution.  Calling your doctor may help ease your concerns and provide information about what you should do.

If it is after work hours, you can always call emergency services and ask to speak with an on-call nurse who will help you determine whether you should take your child to the emergency room or not.  When you have received this medical advice you will likely feel more confident about the situation since you aren’t just guessing.

Give Medication

Although fevers are an indication that your body is fighting an infection, which is a good thing, they are still very uncomfortable.

Therefore, you can give your child Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen in order to bring the temperature down.  Aspirin is not recommended for children under 12 and should be avoided at all costs.