You want to feel safe and protected when you’re at home, and one way to accomplish this goal is to create more privacy in and around your property. It’s ultimately in your control what you choose to do or not do to ensure that you have more seclusion and space to yourself while at your residence.

There are four ways in particular that you can get more privacy at your home so you can experience fewer interruptions and find more time alone without having to worry if someone else can see you. This is especially important if you have a big family and neighbors who are close by.
1. Live in A Gated Community
One way to get more privacy at home is to opt to live in a gated community. If this is of interest to you, then you should check out the property options that has to offer with this feature. In addition to privacy, you’ll experience private schools, spectacular views, lush landscaping and have other high end homes surrounding you.
2. Window Treatments
Another idea for how you can get more privacy at your home is to install window treatments. Curtains and drapes are not only more attractive on your windows and add to your overall décor, but they also allow you to be in the privacy of your own home when you wish without someone being able to look in. Hang them high, and your ceilings will even appear taller than what they truly are.
3. Landscaping & Bushes
You can also obtain more privacy at home by choosing to have a landscaping design that helps you to have a more secluded yard. Plant trees and tall bushes around the perimeter and it’ll be hard for others to peer in and see what’s going on in and around your home. You can also layer your landscaping plants and bushes to add additional privacy in areas that are harder to cover up. Do a little research and see what your options are before hiring someone to complete the project so you can meet your objective.
4. A Fence
Additionally, add more privacy to your home by installing a fence around your yard. A fence not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also will help to keep animals and neighbors at a distance. There are all sorts of different materials and colors you can choose from so review the possibilities before you make a final selection. You can opt to go all the way around your home with the fence or simply block off the backyard with it, depending on your property layout and privacy goals.
Many homeowners long to have more privacy, so you’re not alone when it comes to having the desire to do so at your property. Use this advice as useful and practical ways to help you gain more privacy and comfort at your residence. You can choose to move forward with all four options or complete one at a time and then see if the others are necessary.