Riding a bike is a critical part of childhood. It’s an exciting milestone for children to progress from a tricycle to a two-wheeler with no training wheels. Some kids may be so anxious to get the hang of it, that they zoom off before they’re ready.

However, when it comes to learning to ride a bike, patience is critical. All it takes is one dangerous intersection to lead to tragedy. Teaching your kids the basics of bike riding will keep them safe while still enjoying their freedom.
When your child is ready to start riding on their own, here are some of the best tips to include in your teaching approach.
Choose a Quality Bike
One of the best ways to avoid injury is to provide them with a quality bike. If your child’s bike is wobbly, or cheaply made, it won’t be able to support them as well.
Make sure that the bike you give them properly suits the size of their body and isn’t lacking any parts. The seat should be well attached and shouldn’t be too light or too heavy. Above all, the brakes should be in perfect working condition. The last thing you want to worry about is your child zooming into oncoming traffic.
Slowly Work Your Way Up
Although some parents stand by the logic of the old “sink or swim” method, it’s ideal to take it slowly. Start with a balance bike to teach your child how to have confidence on two wheels.
Even though there aren’t any pedals, they’ll learn the basics of how to balance the same as on a regular bike. Start teaching them good riding habits as early as possible.
Choose a Safe Practice Area
Practicing in an area with fast cars or uneven terrain isn’t the safest environment. Instead, make sure that you choose a place to teach them that’s more secure.
A parking lot or paved playground is a fantastic choice for giving them practice. However, riding anywhere that there are potential dangers will only distract you and make them uneasy.
Grip The Seat
When they’re first starting out, it’s vital that you rest your hand on their seat so that they feel steady. Once they have their balance, tell them to start pedaling. At this point, you can let go. Hopefully, they’ll be able to remain balanced. It may take some time, and they may even experience a few tumbles.
The important thing is to offer words of encouragement. Teach them to get up, roll their sleeves up, and try again!
By following these tips and remaining patient, your child will be zooming around on their two-wheeler in no time!