3 Tips For Coping With The Holidays When It’s Not Your Time With Your Kids


Going through a divorce and handling issues like spousal support and parenting plans can be hard. But one thing that can make these times even more difficult, and can bring up a lot of internal and external issues that you may be dealing with, is when the holidays come around.

Whether it’s the larger winter holidays or even smaller holidays, experiencing these times without your kids can bring up a lot of emotions for you. So to help you get through these seasons, here are three tips for coping with the holidays when it’s not your time with your kids. 

Face Your Emotions 

The first thing you should work on when you know you’ll be having a holiday without your kids is to face your emotions head-on. While this can be hard to do, it will be better for you in both the long run and the short run.

When people don’t face their emotions, they could end up doing something that they regret. So although coming to terms with what you’re feeling and why can be painful, it will ultimately be for your betterment. And once you uncover just what you’re feeling, you can then take steps to accept these feelings and try to make your holidays a little more positive for yourself. This can be done by talking to someone, like a friend or a therapist. 

Celebrate Your Holidays Early Or Late 

Even if you’re not going to be with your kids on the exact day of the holiday, you can still celebrate together in order to have this same experience with them.

Depending on when you’ll have custody of your kids, you might want to celebrate a little early or a little late. This way, you can still do some of the same traditions that you love without having to miss out on too much. And, even better, you can make new traditions together that will be something to look forward to next year. 

Make A Plan For Yourself 

On the actual day of the holiday when you won’t be with your kids, the best thing to do will be to keep yourself busy. If you allow yourself to just sit in your negative emotions and feel sorry for yourself, you might find that the day is a lot more painful than it needs to be.

If there are people around you that you love, see if you can spend the holiday celebrating with them. Or, if you’d rather, you could consider working on that holiday to allow someone else to be with their family. You could also just plan to do something by yourself, like going on a hike or visiting a spa, to help you relax and put your mind and body at ease.

If you’re going to be spending some holidays without your kids this year, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you get through these tough times.

This entry was posted in Family.