
How To Raise A Happy Teenager

You might already have a teenager to raise, or you might have a younger child, and you’re worried about the teenage years to come. There is always a lot of negativity shown around teenagers and young adults, but with good...
Parenting Pitfalls

How to Avoid 4 Common Parenting Pitfalls

Nobody’s perfect and that includes parents as well. Even though every parent wants the absolute best for their children, sometimes mistakes are unavoidable. It is, after all, the human condition to screw up from time to time. The good news...
kids pet

What To Do When Your Kids Want a Pet

Research has established that growing up with animals is beneficial for children both physically and psychologically. The physical benefits include improved immunity to disease and auto-immune problems like allergies and the increased opportunity for exercise. Pets can also be a...

Teaching Calculus to Young Children

Some teachers are coming around to the way of thinking that says the traditional method of teaching young children the basics of math is boring for them and often puts them off the subject for life. They usually learn how...

Different Stages of Parenthood

Parenthood requires a lot of responsibility and time. Understandably, there will be ups and downs, as well as a vast variety of surprises along the way! Regardless of how many books or how much research someone does on the topic,...